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The collective Btsp shares the following values: 

  • Mutual Care

    We praise mutual care, attention, and respect, which also applies to the knowledge we produce and share. Group meetings aim to create a safe space, with a margin for error, where interests, opinions, and emotions of each participant are equally respected and valued.  

  • Non-consensual discussion . All points of view have the same value. Different types of knowledge share the same importance. Individual experiences are valued as much as the “experts’” knowledge. Discussions may never meet consensus and be of high value 

  • Safe space. Within our collective and events we create we strive to protecting and creating safe space, where principles of equality, community, non-hiearchy as well as respect are of a high value. 
Members of the collective: 

Dilda Ramazan
Azadbek Bekchanov
Faina Yunusova
Ferenc Grof
Stoian Dechev
Tatiana Fiodorova
Zola Kondamambou
Yulia Fisch
Sasha Pevak
Kateryna Botanova
Austė Zdančiūtė
Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez
Danylo Boiko
Wiola Ujazdowska